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    Concept of Qi in TCM




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    Qi Encyclopedia


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    The movement of Qi can be regulated by stimulating points that lie along the course of acupuncture channels.

    The Movement of Qi

    An Approach to the Nature of Qi in TCM - Qi and Bioenergy (5)

    By Xing-Tai Li [1] and Jia Zhao [2]

    5. The Movement of Qi

    As a whole, Qi in the cosmos takes two patterns of existence, diffused Qi and coagulated Qi. The former is more vigorous, cannot be detected directly and exists everywhere. The latter is manifested as various kinds of things that can be seen or that have certain shapes. In order to survive, coagulated Qi must communicate with diffused Qi and its generation as well as its ending results from movement of the diffused Qi. The movement of Qi is called Mechanism of Qi, which can be generalized as four aspects: ascending, descending, exiting and entering movements, which are based on directions. Ascending refers to the movement from below; descending, from above; exiting, from the interior; and entering from the exterior.

    The various functions of Qi are all performed by its movement. The physiological function of viscera and bowels is often reflected on their Qi's ascent, descent, exit and entry movements. Qi flows throughout the whole body because of its strength and vigor. Although the activities of the human body are multiple, they can all be summarized as these four aspects. For example, the dispersing effect of the Lung is a manifestation of the exit and ascent of Qi, while its descending effect is a manifestation of the descending and entering movements of Qi. These movements of Qi are vital to life. Once they stop, life comes to an end.

    The four movements of Qi have to be kept in harmony. Only in this way can the physiological functions of the human body remain normal in TCM, the physiological state in which the four basic movements of Qi are coordinated and balanced is called "harmonious functional activities of Qi". Qi has four main states of disharmonies: Qi deficiency, Qi stagnation, sinking Qi and rebellious Qi. These disharmonies may affect many parts of the body at once or within a particular meridian, organ or area. Deficiency of Qi, for example, may affect the Lungs with symptoms of shortness of breath, the Stomach/Spleen with symptoms such as poor appetite and the body in general with symptoms of fatigue and weakness. The ascent, descent, exit and entry movements of Qi are of prime importance in human life. The Kidney Essence, the food Essence transported and transformed by the Spleen and Stomach and the fresh air inhaled by the Lung, will not be distributed over the body to perform their physiological functions if they do not make ascent, descent, entry and exit movements.

    [Click here to continue to section 6, "The Classification of Qi "].

    Navigation links to sections in this article:

    1-2: The History and Concept of Qi.
    3: The Formation of Qi
    4: The Functions of Qi
    5: The Movement of Qi
    6: The Classification of Qi
    7: Modern Investigations on Qi
    8: The Significance of Studying Qi
    9: The Comparisons between Qi and Bioenergy
    10: The Effects of QIHM and QRHM on Energy Metabolism.
    11: Conclusion
    12: References


    This and the other entries herein appeared in: Xing-Tai Li and Jia Zhao (2012). An Approach to the Nature of Qi in TCM–Qi and Bioenergy, Recent Advances in Theories and Practice of Chinese Medicine, Prof. Haixue Kuang (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-903-5, InTech, DOI: 10.5772/28416. Available from: http://www.intechopen.com

    ©2012 The Author(s). Licensee IntechOpen. This is an open access article 
distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

    [1] ^ College of Life Science, Dalian Nationalities University, Dalian, China, is given as the professional location of Xing-Tai Lii.

    [2] ^ Norman Bethune College of Medicine, Jilin University, Changchun China, is given as the professional location of Jia Zhao.

    Graphics added by Qi Encyclopedia.

      Related: Qi  | Modified: 03/09/2025

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