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    Qi Encyclopedia



      1. Essentials of Mind Approach in Practicing Taijiquan by Henry Zhuang. The first element of mind approach in practicing taijiquan is qi.

      2. Exposition of Insights into the Practice of the Thirteen Postures by Wu Yuxiang. This the third of the Taijiquan Classics is a series of short statements that focus on martial arts self-cultivation.

      3. Feeling Qi: A brief list of available videos by John Voigt. To successfully work with qi it is necessary to feel (or sense) it. This entry lists some of the best videos to learn how to do that.

      4. Measuring the Qi in T'ai Chi by Plucky29. Can we measure Qi? Scientists have attempted to measure bioenergy or Qi, with varying success, using many different types of meters and instruments.

      5. Professor Cheng Man-ching by Various Sources. Biographical sketch

      6. Qi and Chen Taijiquan (T'ai Chi) by Various Sources. The Chen family-style is the oldest and parent form of the five traditional styles of the martial art Taijiquan.

      7. Qi and Cheng Man-ching by Various Sources. Words and thoughts about Qi from one of the leading taijiquan masters of the twentieth century, Professor Cheng Man-ching.

      8. Qi in Martial Arts by Dr. Paul Lam. Qi has many meanings in Chinese; the most common one is air. In the context of Taijiquan (T’ai Chi Chuan), it means “Internal Energy.” Quan literally means a fist. When it is used after any name it becomes a martial art style.

      9. Qi in the Internal Martial Arts by John Bracy. Internal power as described here refers to a specific kind of martial art skill associated with the nei chia chuan “internal martial arts.” 

      10. Qi's Role in Taijiquan by Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming. In taijiquan, qi plays a major role in jin. When qi is strong and full, then the jin will also be strong.

      11. Qi: Science or Magic? by Dr. Peter Anthony Gryffin. An exploration into the use of t'ai chi (taijiquan) and gaining a further understanding of its health benefits.

      12. Song of the Thirteen Postures by Anonymous. Essay with a focus on the basic theoretical principles of mobilizing the qi through the interplay of mind, qi and body.

      13. Taijiquan Jing by Zhang Sanfeng. The "Taijiquan Jing" is the first text of the seminal Taijiquan Classics.

      14. Taijiquan Treatise by Wang Zongyue. The "Taijiquan Treatise" is thought to be one of the most important writings in all of taijiquan.

      15. The Spiritual Dimensions of the Martial Arts by Robert Buratti. The calmness, spontaneity, and power of Taijiquan (Tai Chi), Aikido, and the Samurai warrior are all based on such Far Eastern beliefs as Qi, Yin-Yang, and Zen Buddhism.

      16. The Ten Essentials of Taijiquan by Yang Chengfu. First published in 1925, compiled by Chen Weiming.

      17. Zhang Sanfeng by Various Sources. Biographical sketch.

      Related: Qi  |   Category: Taijiquan

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