1. Ch'i (Qi): Universal Vital Energy by Terence Dunn. Qi is one of the most fundamental and important concepts in all Daoism and relates to all Daoist practices and arts.
2. Dao and Qi - excerpts by Livia Kohn, Ph.D.. The most fundamental concept of Daoist environmental ethos is Dao or "Way" and Qi is the basic material of all that exists.
3. Gods Living In The Body? by Professor Jerry Alan Johnson. As my teacher began to explain the deeper “secret” teachings of the Daoist Internal Neigong System, I suddenly found myself in a state of deep internal conflict over something that he had said.
4. How the Alchemist Shapes the Qi Field by Michael Winn. At its simplest level, all human sensing, thought, speech, feeling, body movement, breathing rhythm, and visualized image are attempts to "speak to" or shape this qi field.
5. Internal Qi Breathing by Michael Winn. The Daoist qigong approach to breathing is distinctly different from many other eastern methods of breathing.
6. Lü Dongbin by Lü Dongbin. Biographical sketch
7. Microcosmic Orbit by John Voigt. The Microcosmic Orbit, the foundational practice for all outer-physical and inner-spiritual Qi work is presented, along with the Macrocosm Orbit.
8. Much Ado About Qi by Terence Dunn. The concept of ch'i, has caused much confusion for Western students of martial, meditative and healing arts.
9. Prana Excerpts from Raja Yoga by Swami Vivekananda. From thought down to the lowest force, everything is but the manifestation of Prana.
10. Primordial Tai Chi: Whole-body Beliefs vs. Head Trips by Michael Winn. Wu Ji Gong is a sacred movement ritual that awakens our memory of a natural cosmology.
11. Qi and the American Indian by James Loretta. Native culture thrived on all levels in a belief in the flow of qi and how to manipulate and reverence it.
12. Qi In Chinese Painting by John Voigt. In the Occidental West, the tradition is the painter should represent the physical. Not so in Asia.
13. Qi in Critical Terms for Religious Studies by Michael Stanley-Baker. Qi is a fundamental universal substance related to breath, vital energy, and primordial cosmic force, used in self-cultivation for well-being and Daoist spiritual alchemy for immortality, as well as in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
14. Qi in Daoism: Lu Dongbin's Hundred Word Monument by Lu Dongbin. The Hundred Character Tablet is a short work attributed to Daoist Master Lü Yen, also known as Ancestor Lü.
15. Qi in Essence by Adam Wallace. Qi is regarded as a kind of message together with its carrier. The carrier is a kind of matter.
16. Qi in the Daodejing-The Way and its Power by John Voigt. In the Daodejing, the word qi appears three times, in chapters 10, 42, 55.
17. Qi in Traditional Chinese Thought by Marty Eisen, Ph.D. Before beginning any modern scientific investigation of Qi, the concept of Qi and its properties in Chinese philosophy must be known.
18. Qi is Love by Michael Winn. All Qi is ultimately love flowing from source or flowing back to source. Put simply, Qi is love.
19. Taoist Cosmic Healing: Energetic Medicine for Health & Spirit by Mantak Chia. From Meditation, Chinese Medicine and Chi Kung (Qigong) to the martial arts, successful practice all comes down to one thing: understanding Chi (Qi).
20. The Basic Stuff: Qi by Stephen F. Teiser. The basic stuff out of which all things are made is called qi. Everything that ever existed, at all times, is made of qi.
21. The Daoist Character for Qi by Ken Rose.
is special character unique to Daoist texts and talismans.
22. The Meaning of Qi by Master Zhongxian Wu. The ancient character Qi 炁 is made with the upper radical Wu 无 and the bottom radical Huo 火.
23. The Spiritual Dimensions of the Martial Arts by Robert Buratti. The calmness, spontaneity, and power of Taijiquan (Tai Chi), Aikido, and the Samurai warrior are all based on such Far Eastern beliefs as Qi, Yin-Yang, and Zen Buddhism.
24. The Visionary Qigong of Guo Fengyi by Guo Fengyi, compiled by John Voigt. Through her spiritual qigong this world famous artist developed a visionary remote viewing which triggered automatic drawing. In her words: "The message comes from heaven." "My works serve as intermediaries towards mystical spaces." "I draw to know."
25. Unveiling the 'Message' by Professor Jerry Allan Johnson. The Five Levels of Energetic Expression
Related: Qi | Category: Spirituality |