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    Concept of Qi in TCM




    Article Index




    Author List

    Qi Encyclopedia



      1. A Biological Interpretation of Qi by Robert Chuckrow, Ph.D. It is misleading to try to describe Qi using words like energy or force. Such words are often used but have precise scientific meanings that may not apply. However, qi may have a biological basis.

      2. Conclusion to Approach to the Nature of Qi in TCM - Qi and Bioenergy by Xing-Tai Li and Jia Zhao. Part 11 of a 12 part article on the Nature of Qi in TCM.

      3. Evidence of Instant Effect of External Qi by Shui Yin Lo, PhD. What is qi in terms of modern science? Can we detect its change by the fingers of an experienced Chinese doctor rather than modern scientific instruments?

      4. How is Qi Transmitted? by Robert Chuckrow, Ph.D. The question naturally arises: How can ch’i be transmitted from one person to another?

      5. Improve Your Brain With Qi by Shui Yin Lo, PhD. Can qi improve your brain? Can qi help you to slow down this part of the aging process? Can qi help you retain your memory?

      6. Light, Color, Qi and Feng Shui by James Loretta. Life has evolved on this planet under the influence of our sun. So it is that our emotions, our mental states, and our health, are influenced by the colors found in sunlight.

      7. Measuring the Qi in T'ai Chi by Plucky29. Can we measure Qi? Scientists have attempted to measure bioenergy or Qi, with varying success, using many different types of meters and instruments.

      8. Modern investigations on Qi by Xing-Tai Li and Jia Zhao. Part 7 of a 12 part article on the Nature of Qi in TCM.

      9. Qi in Critical Terms for Religious Studies by Michael Stanley-Baker. Qi is a fundamental universal substance related to breath, vital energy, and primordial cosmic force, used in self-cultivation for well-being and Daoist spiritual alchemy for immortality, as well as in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

      10. Qi in Essence by Adam Wallace. Qi is regarded as a kind of message together with its carrier. The carrier is a kind of matter.

      11. Qi in Traditional Chinese Thought by Marty Eisen, Ph.D. Before beginning any modern scientific investigation of Qi, the concept of Qi and its properties in Chinese philosophy must be known.

      12. Qi-Matter As Energy by Joseph Needham. We have often had occasion to observe the use of the word qi in Chinese thought, for it can be found in the writings of almost every author who was even indirectly concerned with Nature since the beginning of the ancient philosophical schools.

      13. Scientifically Seeing Qi by John Voigt. The existence of a universal life motivating energy is a basic cultural belief in China where it is called "Qi."

      14. Subtle Energies by Deno Kazanis, Ph.D. Subtle Energies, by Deno Kazanis, Ph.D. Qi is simply a form of dark matter and/or the energy transmitted by dark matter. About 96% of the universe is composed of it and the equally invisible dark energy.

      15. The Comparisons between Qi and Bioenergy by Xing-Tai Li and Jia Zhao. Part 9 of a 12 part article on the Nature of Qi in TCM.

      16. The Effects of QIHM and QRHM on Energy Metabolism—An experimental perspective by Xing-Tai Li and Jia Zhao. Part 10 of a 12 part article on the Nature of Qi in TCM.

      17. The Implications of the Scientific Theories of New Physics by Professor Man Fong Mei. Scientific knowledge based on the old world view of Newtonian physics has now been replaced by the 'New Physics' developed from Einstein's Relativity Theory and Max Planck's Quantum Mechanics.

      18. Unveiling the 'Message' by Professor Jerry Allan Johnson. The Five Levels of Energetic Expression

      Related: Qi  |   Category: Scientific

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