1. An Introduction to the Fine Art of Qigong by Sally Yasukawa. This article is an introduction to the art of Qigong. If you practice it patiently each day, in time you will be rewarded with improved health and fitness.
2. Basic Concepts of Qi by Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming. Qi is the energy or natural force which fills the universe.
3. Basic Qi Principles by Michael J. Gelb. A few basic insights that will help you get the most from qi-cultivation practices.
4. Ch'i (Qi): Universal Vital Energy by Terence Dunn. Qi is one of the most fundamental and important concepts in all Daoism and relates to all Daoist practices and arts.
5. Definition of Qi and Qigong by Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming. In order to understand qigong, you must first understand qi.
6. Feeling Qi: A brief list of available videos by John Voigt. To successfully work with qi it is necessary to feel (or sense) it. This entry lists some of the best videos to learn how to do that.
7. Internal Qi Breathing by Michael Winn. The Daoist qigong approach to breathing is distinctly different from many other eastern methods of breathing.
8. Is Qi Real? Yes, Beyond Any Doubt by Michael Winn. My biggest problem as a beginner was that I had been well brainwashed by western scientific ideas, a victim of my own ivy league education.
9. Mantak Chia Discovers Chi (Qi) by Mantak Chia. Mantak Chia experiences chi/qi for the first time from a touch from his Master, White Cloud (or One Cloud) Hermit.
10. Microcosmic Orbit by John Voigt. The Microcosmic Orbit, the foundational practice for all outer-physical and inner-spiritual Qi work is presented, along with the Macrocosm Orbit.
11. Qi (China) - From the Chinese Wikipedia by John Voigt. This entry is a translation of "Qi" from the Chinese Wikipedia Site 氣 (中國). Additional footnotes and editorial comments added for clarification.
12. Qi from the Wikipedia archives by Various Sources. Qi as explained in the 2004 Wikipedia.com archives
13. Qi In Chinese Painting by John Voigt. In the Occidental West, the tradition is the painter should represent the physical. Not so in Asia.
14. Qi in Essence by Adam Wallace. Qi is regarded as a kind of message together with its carrier. The carrier is a kind of matter.
15. Qi in New World Encyclopedia by Various Sources. By the writers and editors of New World Encyclopedia based on Wikipedia entries in August 16, 2007.
16. Qi in Qigong by John Voigt. The concept of Qi as found in the practice of Chinese Qigong (Ch'i Kung).
17. Qi in Qigong: The Theory by Various Sources. This entry was taken from sections of the article "Qigong" in the May 31, 2011 edition of Wikipedia.com.
18. Qi in Traditional Chinese Thought by Marty Eisen, Ph.D. Before beginning any modern scientific investigation of Qi, the concept of Qi and its properties in Chinese philosophy must be known.
19. Qi is Love by Michael Winn. All Qi is ultimately love flowing from source or flowing back to source. Put simply, Qi is love.
20. Qi: The Thumbnail Sketch by John Voigt. Qi is often translated as "energy". But it is better understood by knowing and experiencing what it does and how it functions in man, and on the earth, and in the entire universe.
21. Qigong Deviation by Various Sources. Negative somatic or mental reactions in the course of practicing Qigong.
22. Qigong For Creativity In Music by John Voigt. Physical and visualization Qi exercises to bring more vital force into the making of music.
23. The History and Concept of Qi by Xing-Tai Li and Jia Zhao. Part 1 and 2 of a 12 part article on the Nature of Qi in TCM
24. The Miracle of Qi by Nan Lu, OMD. Qi is the source of Universal life. Without it there is no animating life force in this reality. Basically, everything is Qi.
25. The Visionary Qigong of Guo Fengyi by Guo Fengyi, compiled by John Voigt. Through her spiritual qigong this world famous artist developed a visionary remote viewing which triggered automatic drawing. In her words: "The message comes from heaven." "My works serve as intermediaries towards mystical spaces." "I draw to know."
26. What is Qi (Chi) Prana? by John Dolic. For millennia, prana/qi energy has been known to every single nation (big and small) and every culture in almost all parts of the world.
27. What is Qi? by Ken Rose. In Taijiquan and Chinese medicine there is no more fundamental question than, what is qi?
28. Zhineng Qigong - Pour Qi Relaxation Exercise by Vlado Rashev. A moving qigong meditation using Hunyuan ("mixed original") Qi.
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