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    Concept of Qi in TCM




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    Qi Encyclopedia



      1. A Biological Interpretation of Qi by Robert Chuckrow, Ph.D. It is misleading to try to describe Qi using words like energy or force. Such words are often used but have precise scientific meanings that may not apply. However, qi may have a biological basis.

      2. An Introduction to the Fine Art of Qigong by Sally Yasukawa. This article is an introduction to the art of Qigong. If you practice it patiently each day, in time you will be rewarded with improved health and fitness.

      3. Basic Concepts of Qi by Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming. Qi is the energy or natural force which fills the universe.

      4. Basic Qi Principles by Michael J. Gelb. A few basic insights that will help you get the most from qi-cultivation practices.

      5. Ch'i (Qi): Universal Vital Energy by Terence Dunn. Qi is one of the most fundamental and important concepts in all Daoism and relates to all Daoist practices and arts.

      6. Conclusion to Approach to the Nature of Qi in TCM - Qi and Bioenergy by Xing-Tai Li and Jia Zhao. Part 11 of a 12 part article on the Nature of Qi in TCM.

      7. Dao and Qi - excerpts by Livia Kohn, Ph.D.. The most fundamental concept of Daoist environmental ethos is Dao or "Way" and Qi is the basic material of all that exists.

      8. Definition of Qi and Qigong by Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming. In order to understand qigong, you must first understand qi.

      9. Essentials of Mind Approach in Practicing Taijiquan by Henry Zhuang. The first element of mind approach in practicing taijiquan is qi.

      10. Evidence of Instant Effect of External Qi by Shui Yin Lo, PhD. What is qi in terms of modern science? Can we detect its change by the fingers of an experienced Chinese doctor rather than modern scientific instruments?

      11. Exposition of Insights into the Practice of the Thirteen Postures by Wu Yuxiang. This the third of the Taijiquan Classics is a series of short statements that focus on martial arts self-cultivation.

      12. Feeling Qi: A brief list of available videos by John Voigt. To successfully work with qi it is necessary to feel (or sense) it. This entry lists some of the best videos to learn how to do that.

      13. Feng Shui, Native American Beliefs and Health by James Loretta. Both American indigenous people and Chinese geomancers believed in and used universal vital energy (qi) to gain harmonious relationships with Nature and with other people.

      14. Gods Living In The Body? by Professor Jerry Alan Johnson. As my teacher began to explain the deeper “secret” teachings of the Daoist Internal Neigong System, I suddenly found myself in a state of deep internal conflict over something that he had said.

      15. How is Qi Transmitted? by Robert Chuckrow, Ph.D. The question naturally arises: How can ch’i be transmitted from one person to another?

      16. How the Alchemist Shapes the Qi Field by Michael Winn. At its simplest level, all human sensing, thought, speech, feeling, body movement, breathing rhythm, and visualized image are attempts to "speak to" or shape this qi field.

      17. Improve Your Brain With Qi by Shui Yin Lo, PhD. Can qi improve your brain? Can qi help you to slow down this part of the aging process? Can qi help you retain your memory?

      18. Internal Qi Breathing by Michael Winn. The Daoist qigong approach to breathing is distinctly different from many other eastern methods of breathing.

      19. Is Qi Real? Yes, Beyond Any Doubt by Michael Winn. My biggest problem as a beginner was that I had been well brainwashed by western scientific ideas, a victim of my own ivy league education.

      20. Light, Color, Qi and Feng Shui by James Loretta. Life has evolved on this planet under the influence of our sun. So it is that our emotions, our mental states, and our health, are influenced by the colors found in sunlight.

      21. Lü Dongbin by Lü Dongbin. Biographical sketch

      22. Mantak Chia Discovers Chi (Qi) by Mantak Chia. Mantak Chia experiences chi/qi for the first time from a touch from his Master, White Cloud (or One Cloud) Hermit.

      23. Measuring the Qi in T'ai Chi by Plucky29. Can we measure Qi? Scientists have attempted to measure bioenergy or Qi, with varying success, using many different types of meters and instruments.

      24. Microcosmic Orbit by John Voigt. The Microcosmic Orbit, the foundational practice for all outer-physical and inner-spiritual Qi work is presented, along with the Macrocosm Orbit.

      25. Modern investigations on Qi by Xing-Tai Li and Jia Zhao. Part 7 of a 12 part article on the Nature of Qi in TCM.

      26. Much Ado About Qi by Terence Dunn. The concept of ch'i, has caused much confusion for Western students of martial, meditative and healing arts.

      27. No Yin, No Yang, Only Qi by David Twicken, DOM, LAc. Qi has a quality that can restore an organ system into a balanced state, which could be either a Yin or Yang imbalance.

      28. Prana Excerpts from Raja Yoga by Swami Vivekananda. From thought down to the lowest force, everything is but the manifestation of Prana.

      29. Primordial Tai Chi: Whole-body Beliefs vs. Head Trips by Michael Winn. Wu Ji Gong is a sacred movement ritual that awakens our memory of a natural cosmology.

      30. Qi (Chi) and Feng Shui by James Loretta. The Chinese traditional science of Feng Shui (literally “Wind-Water”) can manipulate energy to bring about harmony in a person’s environment.

      31. Qi (China) - From the Chinese Wikipedia by John Voigt. This entry is a translation of "Qi" from the Chinese Wikipedia Site 氣 (中國). Additional footnotes and editorial comments added for clarification.

      32. Qi and Chen Taijiquan (T'ai Chi) by Various Sources. The Chen family-style is the oldest and parent form of the five traditional styles of the martial art Taijiquan.

      33. Qi and Cheng Man-ching by Various Sources. Words and thoughts about Qi from one of the leading taijiquan masters of the twentieth century, Professor Cheng Man-ching.

      34. Qi and Feng Shui: An Introduction by John Voigt. It is a Chinese practice used to understand, correct, and harmonize the interactive energy flows of the environment with homes and work spaces.

      35. Qi and the American Indian by James Loretta. Native culture thrived on all levels in a belief in the flow of qi and how to manipulate and reverence it.

      36. Qi as an Energy Matrix by John Bracy. Long before it was adapted into martial arts, the study of internal energy was developed into a mind-body discipline of health, longevity and personal power in select Indian and Chinese yogic arts.

      37. Qi as Entertainment: The Force in Star Wars by Various Sources. May the Force—and Qi—be with you.

      38. Qi as Entertainment: The Force Grows Stronger by Various Sources. The Star Wars series has increased and amplified its analogies to Chinese martial arts and traditional spiritual beliefs.

      39. Qi Definition by Various Sources. The common definitions for Qi that a person would find in a dictionary or when searching the internet.

      40. Qi from the Wikipedia archives by Various Sources. Qi as explained in the 2004 Wikipedia.com archives

      41. Qi in Calligraphy by Steven Luo. Chinese calligraphy is unique in that it is a visual representation or manifestation of qi.

      42. Qi In Chinese Painting by John Voigt. In the Occidental West, the tradition is the painter should represent the physical. Not so in Asia.

      43. Qi in Critical Terms for Religious Studies by Michael Stanley-Baker. Qi is a fundamental universal substance related to breath, vital energy, and primordial cosmic force, used in self-cultivation for well-being and Daoist spiritual alchemy for immortality, as well as in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

      44. Qi in Daoism: Lu Dongbin's Hundred Word Monument by Lu Dongbin. The Hundred Character Tablet is a short work attributed to Daoist Master Lü Yen, also known as Ancestor Lü.

      45. Qi in Essence by Adam Wallace. Qi is regarded as a kind of message together with its carrier. The carrier is a kind of matter.

      46. Qi in Martial Arts by Dr. Paul Lam. Qi has many meanings in Chinese; the most common one is air. In the context of Taijiquan (T’ai Chi Chuan), it means “Internal Energy.” Quan literally means a fist. When it is used after any name it becomes a martial art style.

      47. Qi in Modern Art: Vincent van Gogh and Jackson Pollock by John Voigt. The two paintings described here offer an experiential understanding of how Qi may manifest itself, and offer an approach to a visceral understanding of what Qi is.

      48. Qi in New World Encyclopedia by Various Sources. By the writers and editors of New World Encyclopedia based on Wikipedia entries in August 16, 2007.

      49. Qi in Qigong by John Voigt. The concept of Qi as found in the practice of Chinese Qigong (Ch'i Kung).

      50. Qi in Qigong: The Theory by Various Sources. This entry was taken from sections of the article "Qigong" in the May 31, 2011 edition of Wikipedia.com.

      51. Qi in the Daodejing-The Way and its Power by John Voigt. In the Daodejing, the word qi appears three times, in chapters 10, 42, 55.

      52. Qi in the Internal Martial Arts by John Bracy. Internal power as described here refers to a specific kind of martial art skill associated with the nei chia chuan “internal martial arts.” 

      53. Qi in Traditional Chinese Medicine by Marty Eisen, Ph.D. In Traditional Chinese Medicine the concept of Qi is used primarily in two ways. The first is to describe the activities of bodily organ. The second use of Qi is to describe vital energy.

      54. Qi in Traditional Chinese Thought by Marty Eisen, Ph.D. Before beginning any modern scientific investigation of Qi, the concept of Qi and its properties in Chinese philosophy must be known.

      55. Qi in Tuina by John Voigt. Tuina literally means "push" and "grab." It is a style of Chinese massage that in addition to working on the muscles and other soft tissues, and joints of the body, also improves and harmonizes the flow of qi.

      56. Qi is Love by Michael Winn. All Qi is ultimately love flowing from source or flowing back to source. Put simply, Qi is love.

      57. Qi Is Not A Mysterious Force by Franklin Fick. There is endless discussion about what Qi is. If you research on the internet you can become very confused, because it seems no two people will ever agree. The reality is that understanding Qi is not difficult.

      58. Qi Is the Real Secret of Creativity by Michael J. Gelb. Consider a work of art that has moved you deeply. Whether it’s a play, a musical composition, a painting, or a dance, chances are that, more than the words, notes, colors or choreography, you were affected most by the energy of the piece.

      59. Qi's Role in Taijiquan by Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming. In taijiquan, qi plays a major role in jin. When qi is strong and full, then the jin will also be strong.

      60. Qi-Matter As Energy by Joseph Needham. We have often had occasion to observe the use of the word qi in Chinese thought, for it can be found in the writings of almost every author who was even indirectly concerned with Nature since the beginning of the ancient philosophical schools.

      61. Qi: Science or Magic? by Dr. Peter Anthony Gryffin. An exploration into the use of t'ai chi (taijiquan) and gaining a further understanding of its health benefits.

      62. Qi: The Thumbnail Sketch by John Voigt. Qi is often translated as "energy". But it is better understood by knowing and experiencing what it does and how it functions in man, and on the earth, and in the entire universe.

      63. Qigong Deviation by Various Sources. Negative somatic or mental reactions in the course of practicing Qigong.

      64. Qigong For Creativity In Music by John Voigt. Physical and visualization Qi exercises to bring more vital force into the making of music.

      65. References for 'An Approach to the Nature of Qi' by Xing-Tai Li and Jia Zhao. Part 12. Extensive bibliographic citations for the referenced sources used in "An Approach to the Nature of Qi."

      66. Scientifically Seeing Qi by John Voigt. The existence of a universal life motivating energy is a basic cultural belief in China where it is called "Qi."

      67. Song of the Thirteen Postures by Anonymous. Essay with a focus on the basic theoretical principles of mobilizing the qi through the interplay of mind, qi and body.

      68. Subtle Energies by Deno Kazanis, Ph.D. Subtle Energies, by Deno Kazanis, Ph.D. Qi is simply a form of dark matter and/or the energy transmitted by dark matter. About 96% of the universe is composed of it and the equally invisible dark energy.

      69. Taijiquan Jing by Zhang Sanfeng. The "Taijiquan Jing" is the first text of the seminal Taijiquan Classics.

      70. Taijiquan Treatise by Wang Zongyue. The "Taijiquan Treatise" is thought to be one of the most important writings in all of taijiquan.

      71. Taoist Cosmic Healing: Energetic Medicine for Health & Spirit by Mantak Chia. From Meditation, Chinese Medicine and Chi Kung (Qigong) to the martial arts, successful practice all comes down to one thing: understanding Chi (Qi).

      72. The Basic Stuff: Qi by Stephen F. Teiser. The basic stuff out of which all things are made is called qi. Everything that ever existed, at all times, is made of qi.

      73. The Beijing Qi Healing Abduction by Various Sources. This entry explores a famous example of external qi used for healing, but as supervised by extraterrestrials on a UFO. The ETs offered their explanations of what this curative qi is and how it works.

      74. The Classification of Qi by Xing-Tai Li and Jia Zhao. Part 6 of a 12 part article on the Nature of Qi in TCM.

      75. The Comparisons between Qi and Bioenergy by Xing-Tai Li and Jia Zhao. Part 9 of a 12 part article on the Nature of Qi in TCM.

      76. The Concept of Qi by Alex Holland, M.Ac., L. Ac.. The art of TCM lies not only in the skill involved in practicing it, but also through the interpretation of the symbolism of the language.

      77. The Concept of Qi in Acupuncture Core Therapy: Visible Qi—Invisible Qi by Shoji Kobayashi. Visible qi can be seen and is apparent to the senses. Invisible qi moves with no clear cause and effect and its perception is subjective.

      78. The Daoist Character for Qi by Ken Rose. is special character unique to Daoist texts and talismans.

      79. The Effects of QIHM and QRHM on Energy Metabolism—An experimental perspective by Xing-Tai Li and Jia Zhao. Part 10 of a 12 part article on the Nature of Qi in TCM.

      80. The Essence of Qi by Master Joseph Yu and Elizabeth Moran. No word in the English language can accurately describe qi. In popular mythology, qi is synonymous with "energy," a natural or intellectual power that exerts activity.

      81. The Formation of Qi by Xing-Tai Li and Jia Zhao. Part 3 of a 12 part article on the Nature of Qi in TCM.

      82. The Functions of Qi by Xing-Tai Li and Jia Zhao. Part 4 of a 12 part article on the Nature of Qi in TCM.

      83. The History and Concept of Qi by Xing-Tai Li and Jia Zhao. Part 1 and 2 of a 12 part article on the Nature of Qi in TCM

      84. The Implications of the Scientific Theories of New Physics by Professor Man Fong Mei. Scientific knowledge based on the old world view of Newtonian physics has now been replaced by the 'New Physics' developed from Einstein's Relativity Theory and Max Planck's Quantum Mechanics.

      85. The Meaning of Qi by Master Zhongxian Wu. The ancient character Qi 炁 is made with the upper radical Wu 无 and the bottom radical Huo 火.

      86. The Miracle of Qi by Nan Lu, OMD. Qi is the source of Universal life. Without it there is no animating life force in this reality. Basically, everything is Qi.

      87. The Movement of Qi by Xing-Tai Li and Jia Zhao. Part 5 of a 12 part article on the Nature of Qi in TCM.

      88. The Qi of Life by Denise Thunderhawk, L.Ac. We make Qi by combining food (Grain Qi / Gu Qi) and air (Clear Qi / Qing Qi).

      89. The Scope of Qigong Practice by Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming. Any activity that improves the qi circulation in our body may be 
called qigong.

      90. The Significance of Studying Qi by Xing-Tai Li and Jia Zhao. Part 8 of a 12 part article on the Nature of Qi in TCM.

      91. The Spiritual Dimensions of the Martial Arts by Robert Buratti. The calmness, spontaneity, and power of Taijiquan (Tai Chi), Aikido, and the Samurai warrior are all based on such Far Eastern beliefs as Qi, Yin-Yang, and Zen Buddhism.

      92. The Ten Essentials of Taijiquan by Yang Chengfu. First published in 1925, compiled by Chen Weiming.

      93. The Visionary Qigong of Guo Fengyi by Guo Fengyi, compiled by John Voigt. Through her spiritual qigong this world famous artist developed a visionary remote viewing which triggered automatic drawing. In her words: "The message comes from heaven." "My works serve as intermediaries towards mystical spaces." "I draw to know."

      94. Turbid Qi by Professor Jerry Alan Johnson. Turbid Qi is also called "Evil Qi" or "Pathogenic Qi," and refers to any murky energy which can originate either from within or from outside of the body's organ system.

      95. Two Keys for Regulating Your Breathing and Circulating Qi by Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming. The keys to regulating the breathing and transporting Qi (energy) are in two places: the Huiyin cavity located between the genitals and anus, and the palate of the mouth.

      96. Understanding the Concept of Qi by Professor Jerry Alan Johnson. More than 5000 years ago, the ancient Chinese masters of esoteric healing came to the understanding that everything is composed of the same energetic substance, which they called “Qi”

      97. Understanding Yin, Yang and Qi by Alan Keith Tillotson, LAc. (Licensed Acupuncturist, Delaware), and Registered Herbalist. The triad of Yin, Yang and Qi (pronounced chee) serves as the basis for the medical theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

      98. Unveiling the 'Message' by Professor Jerry Allan Johnson. The Five Levels of Energetic Expression

      99. What is Acupuncture? by Emma Suttie, D.Ac, AP. The ancient Chinese believed that there is a universal life energy called Qi that circulates throughout the body along specific pathways called meridians.

      100. What is Qi (Chi) Prana? by John Dolic. For millennia, prana/qi energy has been known to every single nation (big and small) and every culture in almost all parts of the world.

      101. What is Qi and How To See It—Acupuncture by Shui Yin Lo, PhD. We cannot see the propagation of qi with our eyes, but when qi reaches the problem area, we can use infrared image techniques to see its effect.

      102. What is Qi? by Ken Rose. In Taijiquan and Chinese medicine there is no more fundamental question than, what is qi?

      103. What is Qi? by James Flowers. Whether someone in China or anywhere has the Holy Grail hidden from view I cannot say, but in the report by Ohnishi, it is claimed that the effects of Qi (called Ki in Japan) energy can be measured.

      104. What is Qi? by Emma Suttie, D.Ac, AP. To the Chinese, it is a given. It is the very force that governs life and all of its processes, but for us in the West, it is a little more difficult to wrap our minds around.

      105. What Is Qi? (and Other Concepts) by Christopher Hafner. After 2,500 years of evolution, TCM has become a very rich and sophisticated system of rational medicine with a great diversity of theories and applications.

      106. What is The Nature of Qi? by Sally Yasukawa. Often referred to simply as energy, Qi is really much more than our understanding of energy. It can also be perceived of as Light.

      107. Zhang Sanfeng by Various Sources. Biographical sketch.

      108. Zhineng Qigong - Pour Qi Relaxation Exercise by Vlado Rashev. A moving qigong meditation using Hunyuan ("mixed original") Qi.

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