Nan Lu, OMD, is a doctor of Chinese medicine, author, teacher, speaker, state-licensed acupuncturist, and Qigong grand master. He received his doctorate in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) from Hubei University in China, and is a clinical associate professor at State University of New York (SUNY) at Stony Brook.
He is the founding director and president of the Traditional Chinese Medicine World Foundation and the Tao of Healing in New York City. He devotes his life to studying, applying, and teaching the unique body-mind-spirit wisdom of TCM and Wu Ming Qigong. He is the author of books on health and healing.
Digesting the Universe: A Revolutionary Framework for Healthy Metabolism Function.Tao Of Healing Publishing, 2015.
Traditional Chinese Medicine: A Woman’s Guide to Healing From Breast Cancer. Avon Books, 1999.
Traditional Chinese Medicine: A Woman’s Guide to a Hormone-Free Menopause. TCM World Foundation, 2010.
Traditional Chinese Medicine: A Natural Guide to Weight Loss that Lasts. HarperCollins, 2000.
Ask Dr. Lu. Tao Of Healing, 2011.
tcmworld.org, https://www.grandmasternanlu.com/,
and breastcancer.com
These three sites contain extensive information on Nan Lu, OMD, and his qigong healing. There are blogs, informational articles, and over 30 videos all for no charge, as well as upcoming events and classes.
There are many additional videos on YouTube.com
More information at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nanluomd