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    Peter Anthony Gryffin, PhD

    Peter Anthony Gryffin, PhD has over thirty years of experience with t’ai chi, qigong, yoga, and kung fu. His research includes implications related to hypoxia (oxygen deficiency in the body), cancer and t’ai chi; also the development of the theory of Metarobics; as well as the application of mindfulness-based practices for dealing with stress, trauma, addiction, and destructive behavior.

    He has a PhD in health and human performance from the University of Florida, and a Master’s Degree in kinesiology and health. He has taught at California State University, Sacramento, and is an Invited Reviewer for the New England Journal of Medicine.

    (Taken from an Interview in Qi Journal, Autumn 2018.) www.qi-journal.com: "Starting at age 25… I began formal training in Yang style tai chi with Sifu Duke YM Cheng, a third-generation teacher of these arts, as well as in forms of long fist and praying mantis kung fu [with his senior instructor, Sifu Clyde King]. The training I received provided a strong root in the health and martial side of t’ai chi and kung fu, as well as in qigong and acupressure.

    "I have also studied extensively elements of Zen (Chan) as related to mindfulness, as well as applications of sport and positive psychology, which was the focus of my Master’s degree. At Fullerton College I developed the curriculum for eight mind/body courses, which I taught for ten years. When I saw the impact of my classes for cancer and health, as well as for dealing with addiction and trauma, I became an alumni fellow and graduate assistant at the University of Florida to study and better understand the theory and scientific side of mindful exercise and health behavior theory." [More of this interview is at   http://metarobics.org/mindbody-blog/interview-with-dr-gryffin-from-the-qi-journal]

    Books by Peter Anthony Gryffin, PhD:

    Mindful Exercise: Metarobics, Healing, and the Power of Tai Chi - A revolutionary new understanding of why mindful healing works. YMAA Publication Center, 2018.

    Journey to the East: An Experiential Book - Special Edition. CreateSpace …. 2016.  https://www.amazon.com

    Additional Information about the man and his work is available from these sources:

    The Metarobic Institute-Home.  http://metarobics.org

    The Metarobic Institute-Mind/Body Blog.  http://metarobics.org

    Metarobics: Health From The Inside Out. [12 videos]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com

    Nine articles by the author are available at ymaa.com  https://ymaa.com

    Curricula Vitae. https://metarobics.org [Lists his education, research interests, academic experience, publications, selected presentations/workshops, and certification.]

    Contact: drgryffin@metarobics.org

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