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    Feeling Qi: A brief list of available videos

    Compiled from YouTube.com, with additional commentary by John Voigt

    The first ability to have when working with qi is to experience its presence by feeling (sometimes called, "sensing") it.[1] As this inner awareness becomes stronger, and with continuing practice, the skills to guide and control qi increase. With such skills certain abilities and accomplishments will be gained in the various arts of Qi such as Qigong, Chinese Martial Arts, Taijiquan (T'ai Chi), Chinese Energy Healing and Traditional Chinese Medicine; as well as in certain energetic spiritual practices such as meditation, artistic creativity, and sports.

    Progress with any of these arts of qi will be hindered without the ability to feel qi and be aware of it.

    This article will list what I as editor of Qi Encyclopedia have found on YouTube as some of the best videos which show how to feel, be made aware of, and move qi. (note: all videos mentioned in this article were accessed on February 19, 2024).

    Many important life tasks that humans perform are done with the hands and fingers. In human interactions, they are the primary places with which to do work or to engage in play, to exhibit brute force or tender caressing love, to salute others, to pray, to create art, and in so many other things. In spiritual and energetic pursuits the palms may resemble for some the chakras of the Hindu yogis.

    Our hands can be very strong as well as very sensitive. After rubbing the hands and fingers together Qi often is often felt there as sensations resembling warmth, inner-pressure, tingling, or as an electro-magnetic force. Because of this, qigong exercises that use the hands often are used to feel and sense Qi.

    A YouTube video that demonstrates this well is Nathan (Nate) Guadagni. How to Feel Energy (Qi 氣). www.youtube.com/watch
    Its creator uses breathing techniques, rotating the wrists, shaking the hands and pressing them towards each other. He instructs us that the more we can relax and mentally focus, the more we should be able to feel the electro-magnetic sensations of qi between our hands.

    Nathan Guadagni: How to Feel Energy (Qi 氣)

    MinJae Kim: How to feel qi energy in three minutes

    Fabrice Piché: Qigong exercises - How to Feel Chi Energy

    Yoqi Yoga: How to Make a Qi Ball

    Excerpts: Bring your hands up and with an imaginary lightbulb in each hand, twist your wrists. Keep relaxed as you go faster. Rotate the wrists and shake the hands. Start pressing the hands together without them touching. Feel the (electro)magnetic sensation between them. As you relax and focus, the energy becomes tangible. ... Remember blood and energy move together and the more blood flows the more subtle sensations and awareness you are going to have. You'll pick up those/any light subtle magnetic sensations of qi.

    This requires your full attention. The first signs you might notice is your body heat. And that is just fine, you are admitting electric body heat and you can sense that, and that is a valid mindfulness tool.:

    Your body has an electrical magnetic field just like the earth does. When you relax and focus it will become tangible. ... You probably will find and loose this many times but don't worry about that.

    Here are several more of Nate Guadagni's movements which are seen and explained on the video: With his hands he glides and revolves an energy ball which he expands and contracts.

    He brings an imaginary tower between his hands between the naval and collarbone. The upper and lower hands reverse positions. Then he pours the qi between his hands.

    He then suggests moving the hands over and under the other person's hands and sensing the movement of the qi-energy. This practice can be done with even more people, (three or four). :Move your hands between each other's hands, changing which hand is on top, or bottom, with the palm always facing the other person's palm. ...

    This can also be done with trees, plants, animals, everything [that has] a life force. If you have the ability to sense it in your own hands, you have the ability to sense it in other things too. If you are feeling energy you are present. If you lose the feeling of energy, your mind may have wandered.

    He concludes the video by saying, Gather your arms in a circle up. Exhale and bring the energy back to your core. Three times gather up, exhale sinking down. Once more. Give your body a little shake.

    Watch this excellent 9 minute and 48 second video by Nate Guadagni at www.youtube.com/watch

    Further information about him is at www.yogatrail.com

    MinJae Kim. [From the opening caption of his YouTube video "How to feel qi energy in three minutes. ..."] Being able to feel Qi Energy is the basic first step of qi energy meditation. In this video, MinJae Kim walks you through how to feel qi energy in three minutes. You can experience qi energy by feeling an energy ball, energy blade with sword fingers, and energy pillars. When you feel qi energy, you can utilize it to stay in the here and now. Qi energy is the medium that connects the mind and body. Feeling qi energy is a great training of mindfulness.

    For the actual presentation go to the video, How To Feel Qi Energy In Three Minutes | energy ball, sword fingers & chi pillars. K Wellness TV/YouTube. www.youtube.com/watch

    Before we now begin a video by qigong master Fabrice Piché about developing qi perception, he first asks us to do a moving or a standing qigong to limber up and open our qi channels. Such a qigong form to accomplish this is found on his "Qigong Warm Up: Standing between Heaven and Earth!" www.youtube.com/watch

    After that, go to his "How to Feel Qi/Chi Energy." He begins by massaging his hands to allow the qi to flow into the center of his palms. He continues by moving his palms in various ways, showing us how to be aware of any variations in the sensations of energy (qi). He tells us, "Make it fun. Smile to prevent any over-focusing which can block any fuller sensing of the qi. Enjoy it. Play with the ball: how big can you extend the qi ball?"

    You are invited watch and practice the video.

    Here is its URL: Fabrice Piché. Qigong exercises - How to FEEL chi energy. YouTube. www.youtube.com/watch

    Yoqi Yoga® + Qigong. How to Make a Qi Ball, by Marisa Cranfill. www.youtube.com/watch

    In this YOQI Resource video, Marisa teaches you how to activate your qi hands and make a qi ball. This exercise is meant to help you feel qi during your qigong, yoga or hands on healing practice.

    Her biography and contact information are at www.yoqi.com/marisa-cranfill


    ^[1] "Feel" and "Sense." The two terms are often used interchangeably, but more accurately "Sense" an awareness that is not connected to sensory input and usually is based on instinct or intuition; while "Feel" refers to an awareness resulting from a stimulation of senses.

    Selected Resources — Videography

    Ehud Abrahamson. How to feel energy. YouTube. www.youtube.com/watch

    Melanie Dawn. Use Your Hands To Feel Energy. YouTube. www.youtube.com/watch

    How to Feel Energy & What it Feels Like, by the Soul Alignment Coach (Lillian Kluivers). Do-In Academy/YouTube. www.youtube.com/watch

    Yoqi Yoga® + Qigong. How to Make a Qi Ball, by Marisa Cranfill. www.youtube.com/watch

    Minjae Kim. Feeling Ki Energy Tao Talk. Body & Brain TV/YouTube. www.youtube.com/watch

    Minjae Kim. How To Feel Qi Energy In Three Minutes.... K Wellness TV/YouTube. /www.youtube.com/watch

    Minjae Kim. [For information about him and his teachings go to] K Wellness TV/YouTube. /www.youtube.com/watch

    Fabrice Piché Feeling energy : Intermediate level Qi perception exercises. Qigong 18/YouTube. www.youtube.com/watch

    Fabrice Piché. Qigong exercises - How to FEEL chi energy. Qigong 18/YouTube. www.youtube.com/watch

    Fabrice Piché. Qigong exercises - Opening the gates of the 4 extremities. Qigong 18/YouTube. www.youtube.com/watch

    Note: Over fifty videos by Fabrice Piché are listed at www.youtube.com/. See also a Quora entry about him at www.quora.com/profile/Fabrice-Piche/

    Renshi MikeS. [Michael Scaramozzino]. How to Awaken & Feel Your Chi (Qi/Ki): The "Secret" Foundation of Tai Chi (Taiji); [article]. Still Mind Martial Arts, ©2023. https://stillmindmartialarts.com

    Linda Yoonjin. Feeling Energy in Your Hands in Just One Minute. Brain Education TV/YouTube. www.youtube.com/watch

    Concluding Comments. A conscious-physical-sensuous awareness of qi through its continual practice and use brings about a person's growing stronger and more powerful. That is what the "gong" of "qigong" means: a working with qi that leads to accomplishments and eventual mastery. The videos presented in this article and its Selected Resources citations are all meant to help the seeker's personal searching to gain such skills.

    Further Study. Nevertheless, as with such learning it is best to work directly with a knowledgeable qigong teacher. It is advised that if you as reader are drawn to any of the videos presented in this article, perhaps contact its presenter about the possibilities of studying with them in person, or if more practical, through their digital and online resources. A general search with a browser such as Google can find other interesting sources, but it is always best to look into the background, training, and references of any instructor in whom you might be interested. When seeking out a good teacher, I was once wisely instructed, "There are a lot of bad apples out there, so be careful."

      Related: Qi  | Modified: 03/08/2025

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